Wednesday, February 10, 2010


each month ima interview an artist or entertainer that inspires me. this month is BROTHA LYNCH HUNG!

Q: your a legend in this game your music inspires me. what inspires you to rap the way you do?

BL: I love Meat! People take it more then that tho, and we all inspire eachother! I be listenin to ur shit too bro

Q: u linked wit tech 9ne and strange music last year - which
is huge. how did that come about?

BL: I was gonna sign 2 strange music years ago, it didn't happen then when Dave from Priority went 2 strange music I knew it would happen

Q: hows the "dinner and a movie" album coming along and when is the
release date?

BL: it's done! Alot of preorders already and that's love, March 23rd

(side note - go pre-order the album off now)

Q: all of ur albums have a theme and sound scape. why?

BL: I write movies so I said I would do the same with Muzicc, make it like a movie- visual.

Q: do you write ur raps to the beat or without the beat?

BL: I do both, even when I'm writin to the beat, I sometimes turn it off for a while an write witout the music.

Q: artist come and go how do you continue to make relevant music?

BL: I feel that Im a REAL artist and real artist don't have to worry. the music we make will stay relevant.

Q: strange music does alot of tours. how has it been touring with tech 9ne?

BL: I really didn't start yet - tour is coming tho. it's gonna be hard, they work really hard.

Q: if you were on a island and all u could take with you is 5 rap
albums what would they be?

BL: Eminem's last 2 And all northern Cali shit!!

Q: what ever happend to the album "mid-evil" that you were recording
around the time of "loaded"?

BL: Black Market dice all that stuff up, I left it alone.

Q: whats your favorite album youve made and why?

BL: my new one: Dinner and a Movie, cuz I knew it would get done right so I took my time! Season and loaded a close second!

Q: do you have any advice upcoming artists?

BL: it's what we both know, work hard and be different! Too much of the same shit going around in music today!

follow brotha lynch on twitter: @brothalynchhung

classic video "one moe pound"

new video "the meat"

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